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csi-driver-spiffe is a Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver plugin for Kubernetes, designed to work alongside cert-manager.

It transparently delivers SPIFFE SVIDs (in the form of X.509 certificate key pairs) to mounting Kubernetes Pods.

The end result is that any and all Pods running in Kubernetes can securely request a SPIFFE identity document from a Trust Domain with minimal configuration.

These documents in turn have the following properties:

  • automatically renewed ✔️
  • private key never leaves the node's virtual memory ✔️
  • each Pod's document is unique ✔️
  • the document shares the same life cycle as the Pod and is destroyed on Pod termination ✔️
  • enable mTLS within a trust domain ✔️
- mountPath: "/var/run/secrets/"
name: spiffe
- name: spiffe
readOnly: true


The project is split into two components: the driver and the approver.

CSI Driver

The CSI driver runs as DaemonSet on the cluster and is responsible for generating, requesting, and mounting a certificate and private key to Pods on the node it manages. The CSI driver creates and manages a tmpfs directory.

When a Pod is created with the CSI volume configured, the driver will locally generate a private key, and create a cert-manager CertificateRequest in the same Namespace as the Pod.

The driver uses CSI Token Requests. This means that the token of the pod being created is passed to the driver.

This token's details are used for creating the SPIFFE ID which represents the pod's identity, and the token is used for creating the actual CertificateRequest for the SVID.

Once the certificate is signed by the configured cert-manager issuer, the driver mounts the private key and certificate into the Pod's Volume, and watches the certificate to renew it and the private key based on the certificate's expiry date.


A distinct cert-manager approver Deployment is responsible for managing approval and denial of csi-driver-spiffe CertificateRequests.

The approver ensures that requests have:

  1. acceptable key usages (Key Encipherment, Digital Signature, Client Auth, Server Auth);
  2. a requested duration which matches the enforced duration (default 1 hour);
  3. no SANs or other identifiable attributes except a single URI SAN;
  4. a URI SAN which is the SPIFFE identity of the ServiceAccount which created the CertificateRequest;
  5. a SPIFFE ID Trust Domain matching the one that was configured at startup.

The approver only considers CertificateRequests which have the annotation, which is added by csi-driver-spiffe to all requests it creates.


See the installation guide for instructions on how to install csi-driver-spiffe.

Security Considerations

csi-driver-spiffe deals with highly valuable credentials which should be kept secret. The design of using a Kubernetes CSI volume makes it simple to restrict access to only the pod which mounts the CSI volume, but care should still be taken not to expose the private key created by csi-driver-spiffe.

csi-driver-spiffe always uses the token of the pod it's issuing for to create the CertificateRequest resource for the SVID it creates. That means that:

  1. During issuance, csi-driver-spiffe has the ability to do whatever the Pod can do; bear in mind that a compromised csi-driver-spiffe pod could abuse these permissions, although in normal operation only the CertificateRequest permission is used.
  2. Importantly: all pods using csi-driver-spiffe must have permission to create CertificateRequest resources.

The requirement for a pod to have permission to create CertificateRequests has important security implications. If a Pod with these permissions is compromised it can create arbitrary CertificateRequest resources, which could reference arbitrary issuers in the cluster.

Since csi-driver-spiffe requires that approval is used in-cluster, this risk is mitigated by approval.

It's important, though, that any other forms of approval in the cluster (such as approver-policy) are carefully configured not to overlap with the csi-driver-spiffe approver and to restrict access to other issuers.

For example, an approver-policy CertificateRequestPolicy resource which allowed any pod to issue using an ACME (Let's Encrypt) issuer might allow a compromised Pod to issue a publicly trusted certificate, if that Pod used csi-driver-spiffe and thus had permissions to create CertificateRequest resources.

Using csi-driver-spiffe safely means considering which approval methods are available in your cluster and carefully configuring those approvers to ensure that pods cannot target issuers they're not meant to be able to use.


Once the driver is successfully installed, Pods can begin to request and mount their key and SPIFFE certificate. Since the Pod's ServiceAccount is impersonated when creating CertificateRequests, every ServiceAccount must be given that permission which intends to use the volume.

Example manifest with a dummy Deployment:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl exec -n sandbox \
$(kubectl get pod -n sandbox -l app=my-csi-app -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') \
-- \
cat /var/run/secrets/ | \
openssl x509 --noout --text | \
grep "Issuer:"
# expected output: Issuer: CN = csi-driver-spiffe-ca
kubectl exec -n sandbox \
$(kubectl get pod -n sandbox -l app=my-csi-app -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') \
-- \
cat /var/run/secrets/ | \
openssl x509 --noout --text | \
grep "URI:"
# expected output: URI:spiffe://

Runtime Configuration

If csi-driver-spiffe was installed with runtime configuration enabled, it will watch a named ConfigMap for issuer configuration. If that ConfigMap exists and contains a valid issuer reference, that issuer will be used for all created CertificateRequest resources.

If the ConfigMap is deleted or does not contain a valid issuer reference, it will be ignored. If a default issuer was specified at install time, that default will be used as a fallback. If no valid runtime configuration is provided and no default issuer was specified, issuance (and therefore pod creation) will fail until a valid issuer is configured.

The name of the runtime configuration ConfigMap is set with the app.runtimeIssuanceConfigMap Helm value at install time. A valid ConfigMap must contain the issuer-name, issuer-kind and issuer-group keys.

An example of creating a ConfigMap for a ClusterIssuer named my-issuer-name is below:

kubectl create configmap spiffe-issuer -n cert-manager \
--from-literal=issuer-name=my-issuer-name \
--from-literal=issuer-kind=ClusterIssuer \


When running Pods with a specified user or group, the volume will not be readable by default due to Unix based file system permissions. The mounting volumes file group can be specified using the following volume attribute:

runAsUser: 123
runAsGroup: 456
- name: spiffe
readOnly: true
volumeAttributes: "456"
kubectl apply -f
kubectl exec -n sandbox $(kubectl get pod -n sandbox -l app=my-csi-app-fs-group -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -- cat /var/run/secrets/ | openssl x509 --noout --text | grep URI:
# expected output: URI:spiffe://

Root CA Bundle

⚠️ This feature is significantly less powerful than trust-manager, and is much harder to use and update. It's recommended to use trust-manager instead.

By default, the CSI driver will only mount the Pod's private key and signed certificate. csi-driver-spiffe can be optionally configured to also mount a statically defined CA bundle from a volume that will be written to all Pod volumes.

If the CSI driver detects this bundle has changed (through overwrite, renewal, etc), the new bundle will be written to all existing volumes.

The following example mounts the CA certificate used by the Trust Domain ClusterIssuer.

helm upgrade -i -n cert-manager cert-manager-csi-driver-spiffe jetstack/cert-manager-csi-driver-spiffe --wait \
--set "app.logLevel=1" \
--set "" \
--set "app.runtimeIssuanceConfigMap=spiffe-issuer"
--set "" \
--set "app.issuer.kind=ClusterIssuer" \
--set "" \
--set "app.driver.volumes[0].name=root-cas" \
--set "app.driver.volumes[0].secret.secretName=csi-driver-spiffe-ca" \
--set "app.driver.volumeMounts[0].name=root-cas" \
--set "app.driver.volumeMounts[0].mountPath=/var/run/secrets/cert-manager-csi-driver-spiffe" \
--set "app.driver.sourceCABundle=/var/run/secrets/cert-manager-csi-driver-spiffe/ca.crt"
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n sandbox my-csi-app
kubectl exec -it -n sandbox $(kubectl get pod -n sandbox -l app=my-csi-app -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -- ls /var/run/secrets/
# expected output: ca.crt tls.crt tls.key