Securing Ingresses with ZeroSSL
The ZeroSSL
This guide walks you through how to secure a Kubernetes Ingress resource using the ZeroSSL Issuer type.
The ZeroSSL just like Let's Encrypt and its competitors allows to create free 90 days certificates. All is need is to create account at After that go to developer section and generate EAB Credentials for ACME Clients
. You will need it later.
Please note!
EAB credentials are not stored in your account, please make sure to note them somewhere. Each click on "Generate" will create a new set of credentials. Even if you create multiple credentials, all of them will remain functional.
- An AWS account
- kubectl installed
- Access to a publicly registered DNS zone
- Kubernetes cluster, you can use AWS EKS
- ingress-nginx deployed and working inside cluster
Tutorial scenario:
Installing cert-manager
Make sure you use cert-manager 1.8.2+
. See link for more details.
Please walk through the installation guide and return to this step once you have validated cert-manager is deployed correctly. Follow steps under running on Kubernetes to install in k8s.
In order to automatically switch to the ZeroSSL we recommend setting default shim by adding the following configuration to values file.
ingressShim:defaultIssuerName: "zerossl-production"defaultIssuerKind: "ClusterIssuer"crds:enabled: true
Install it using helm:
helm upgrade --install --namespace cert-manager --version v1.17.0 cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager -f values.yaml
Configure your DNS records
The best way to manage DNS using AWS is by using Route53. Create AWS account with permissions to modify Route53 rules.
EAB secret
Once you will get your credentials first step is to create seed with secrets. They are responsible for authenticating with your ZeroSSL account.
$ kubectl create secret generic \zero-ssl-eabsecret \--namespace=cert-manager \--from-literal=secret='YOUR_ZEROSSL_EAB_HMAC_KEY'
Another way of creating secret.
Encode it in base64 first.
echo -n "YOUR_ZEROSSL_EAB_HMAC_KEY" | base64 -w 0
apiVersion: v1kind: Secretmetadata:name: zero-ssl-eabsecretdata:secret: YOUR_ENCODED_ZEROSSL_EAB_HMAC_KEY
kubectl apply -f zero-ssl-eabsecret.yaml -n cert-manager
Cluster issuer
Then we must create the ZeroSSL
, let's call it zerossl-production
. In our case we are using AWS. See pre-conditions to provision all required elements.
apiVersion: ClusterIssuermetadata:name: zerossl-productionspec:acme:# ZeroSSL ACME serverserver: name of a secret used to store the ACME account private keyprivateKeySecretRef:name: zerossl-prod# for each cert-manager new EAB credencials are requiredexternalAccountBinding:keyID: YOUR_ZEROSSL_EAB_KEY_IDkeySecretRef:name: zero-ssl-eabsecretkey: secretkeyAlgorithm: HS256# ACME DNS-01 provider configurations to verify domainsolvers:- selector: {}dns01:route53:region: us-west-2# optional if ambient credentials are available; see ambient credentials documentation# see Route53 for >0 issue "" and change to >0 issue ""accessKeyID: ACCESS_KEY_IDsecretAccessKeySecretRef:name: route53-credentials-secretkey: secret-access-key
Then run:
$ kubectl apply -n cert-manager -f zerossl-production.yaml
$ kubectl describe Clusterissuer zerossl-prodStatus:Acme:Last Registered Email: dummy-email@yopmail.comUri: Transition Time: 2021-09-09T17:03:26ZMessage: The ACME account was registered with the ACME serverReason: ACMEAccountRegisteredStatus: TrueType: Ready
Please note!
If this step failed and the ACME account is not registered please check if secrets in zero-ssl-eabsecret
are correct.
Request a ingress certificate
apiVersion: Ingressmetadata:name: test-ingressnamespace: defaultspec:rules:- host: test.example.comtls:- secretName: secret-tls
Apply test-ingress:
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml
You are set! Check your ingress.
kubectl describe ingress test-ingress -n default# check if tls is terminated using secret-tlsopenssl s_client -showcerts -connect verify server certificate and its chain