Contributing Flow
All of cert-manager's development is done via GitHub which contains code, issues and pull requests.
All code for the documentation and can be found at the cert-manager/website repo. Any issues towards the documentation should also be filed there.
GitHub bot
We use Prow on all our repositories. If you've ever looked at a Kubernetes repo, you will probably already have met Prow. Prow will be able to help you in GitHub using its commands. You can find then all on the command help page. Prow will also run all tests and assign certain labels on PRs.
All bugs should be tracked as issues inside the
GitHub repository. Issues should then be
attached with the kind/bug
tag. To do this add /kind bug
to your issue description.
This may then be assigned a priority and milestone to be addressed in a future release.
The more logs and information you can give about what and how the bug has been discovered, the faster it can be resolved.
Critical bug fixes are typically also cherry picked to the current minor stable releases.
Note: If you are simply looking for troubleshooting then you should post your question to the community
slack channel. Many more people read this channel than GitHub issues, it's likely your problem will be solved quicker by using Slack. Please also check that the bug has not already been filed by searching for key terms in the issue search bar.
(Re)opening and closing issues
Prow can assist you to reopen or close issues you file, you can trigger it using /reopen
or /close
in a GitHub Issue comment.
Feature requests should be created as
GitHub issues. They should contain
clear motivation for the feature you wish to see as well as some possible
solutions for how it can be implemented.
Issues should then be tagged with kind/feature
. To do this add /kind feature
to your issue description.
Note: It is often a good idea to bring your feature request up on the community
slack channel to discuss whether the feature request has already been made or is aligned with the project's priorities.
Creating Pull Requests
Changes to the cert-manager code base is done via pull requests. Each pull request should ideally have a corresponding issue attached that is to be fixed by this pull request. It is valid for multiple pull requests to resolve a single issue in the interest of keeping code changes self contained and simpler to review.
Once created, a team member will assign themselves for review and enable testing. To make sure the changes get merged, keep an eye out for reviews which can have multiple cycles.
If the pull request is a critical bug fix then this will probably also be cherry picked to the current stable version of cert-manager as a patch release.
To let people know that your PR is still a work in progress, we usually add a
prefix to the title of the PR. Prow will then automatically set the label
Release Note Guidelines
The release-note
code block in the PR description aims at explaining to the
end-user whether they should care about this change and whether they will be
affected. It is OK to have multiple sentences as long as it is written in good
English (subject verb complement, ends with a dot).
A release note block shouldn't just paraphrase the commit message. For example, the end-user doesn't know what "comparisons" are and which custom resources are affected:
```release-noteAdds missing comparisons for certain fields which were incorrectly skipped if a LiteralSubject was set```
A better release note block gives context and specifically tells the end-user how they will be affected:
```release-noteWhen using the `literalSubject` on a Certificate, the IPs, URIs, DNS names, and email addresses subject segments are now properly compared.```
New lines in the release note block translate to hard line breaks, which means it is not possible to soft-wrap the release note. A new line can be useful for lists:
```release-notecainjector:- New flags were added to the cainjector binary. They can be used to modify what injectable kinds are enabled. If cainjector is only used as a cert-manager's internal component it is sufficient to only enable validatingwebhookconfigurations and mutatingwebhookconfigurations injectable resources; disabling the rest can improve memory consumption. By default all are enabled.- The `--watch-certs` flag was renamed to `--enable-certificates-data-source`.```
If this PR introduces a breaking change, the release note block must start with
(note the bold text).
Cherry Picking
If the pull request contains a critical bug fix then this should be cherry picked in to the current stable cert-manager branch and released as a patch release.
To trigger the cherry-pick process, add a comment to the GitHub PR. For example:
/cherry-pick release-x.y
The jetstack-bot
will then create a new branch and a PR against the release branch,
which should be reviewed, approved and merged using the process described above.
DCO signoff
All commits in the PR should be signed off, more info on how to do this is at the DCO Sign Off page. Exceptions can only be made for small documentation fixes.
Project Management
Most of cert-manager's project management is done on GitHub, with the help of Prow.
When will something be released?
Our team works using GitHub milestones. When a milestone is set on an Issue it is generally an indication of when we plan to address this. Prow will apply milestones on merged PRs, this will tell you in which version that PR will land.
The milestone page will also have an indicated due date when we will release. This might have some delay. We brief our users/contributors about this in our bi-weekly community meeting, for an up to date status report we recommend joining these.
We utilize GitHub labels for PRs and Issues. The ones on PRs are mostly managed by Prow and code reviewers.
In issues we always aim to add 3 types: area, priority and kind.
These are set using Prow using /area
, /kind
and /priority
Sometimes /triage
is also added which helps us when following up Issues.
- Area indicates the code area which is/will need changing
- Kind indicates if it is a
or afeature
but also can bedocumentation
(general maintenance) - Priority is the priority it has for the cert-manager team, PRs are still very welcome for those!
Good First Issues
Some Issues will be labeled with good first issue
This indicates we believe anyone should be able to have a go at this issue.
This label is also manage via Prow. It can be assigned and unassigned as follows:
To label an issue as a "good first issue" a comment can be added to the issue as follows:
/good-first-issue -
To remove this label, comment with:
Assignees meaning in PRs and issues
Sometimes, you might see someone commenting with the
prow command:
/assign @meyskens
Here is the meaning that we give to the GitHub assignees:
- On issues, it means that the assignee is working on it.
- On PRs, we use it as a way to know who should be taking a look at the PR at any time:
- When the author is assigned, it means the PR needs work to be done aka "changes requested";
- When nobody is assigned, it means this PR needs review;
- When someone different from the author is assigned, it means this person is reviewing this PR.
Triage Party!
Every few weeks we will plan a Triage Party meeting, where we use the Triage Party tool to go recent/old issues to prioritise them so we can address them in a timely matter. These meetings are open to everyone and invites will be sent out using our mailing list (warning: despite the word party these meetings are sometimes boring).