Configuring the AzureDNS DNS01 Challenge for a Kubernetes cluster requires creating a service principal in Azure.
To create the service principal you can use the following script (requires
and jq
# Choose a name for the service principal that contacts azure DNS to present the challenge$ AZURE_CERT_MANAGER_NEW_SP_NAME=NEW_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME# This is the name of the resource group that you have your dns zone in$ AZURE_DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP=AZURE_DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP# The DNS zone name. It should be something like or$ AZURE_DNS_ZONE=AZURE_DNS_ZONE$ DNS_SP=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $AZURE_CERT_MANAGER_NEW_SP_NAME)$ AZURE_CERT_MANAGER_SP_APP_ID=$(echo $DNS_SP | jq -r '.appId')$ AZURE_CERT_MANAGER_SP_PASSWORD=$(echo $DNS_SP | jq -r '.password')$ AZURE_TENANT_ID=$(echo $DNS_SP | jq -r '.tenant')$ AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show | jq -r '.id')
For security purposes, it is appropriate to utilize RBAC to ensure that you properly maintain access control to your resources in Azure. The service principal that is generated by this tutorial has fine grained access to ONLY the DNS Zone in the specific resource group specified. It requires this permission so that it can read/write the _acme_challenge TXT records to the zone.
Lower the Permissions of the service principal.
$ az role assignment delete --assignee $AZURE_CERT_MANAGER_SP_APP_ID --role Contributor
Give Access to DNS Zone.
$ DNS_ID=$(az network dns zone show --name $AZURE_DNS_ZONE --resource-group $AZURE_DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP --query "id" --output tsv)$ az role assignment create --assignee $AZURE_CERT_MANAGER_SP_APP_ID --role "DNS Zone Contributor" --scope $DNS_ID
Check Permissions. As the result of the following command, we would like to see just one object in the permissions array with "DNS Zone Contributor" role.
$ az role assignment list --all --assignee $AZURE_CERT_MANAGER_SP_APP_ID
A secret containing service principal password should be created on Kubernetes to facilitate presenting the challenge to Azure DNS. You can create the secret with the following command:
$ kubectl create secret generic azuredns-config --from-literal=client-secret=$AZURE_CERT_MANAGER_SP_PASSWORD
Get the variables for configuring the issuer.
To configure the issuer, substitute the capital cased variables with the values from the previous script.
apiVersion: Issuermetadata:name: example-issuerspec:acme:...solvers:- dns01:azureDNS:clientID: AZURE_CERT_MANAGER_SP_APP_IDclientSecretSecretRef:# The following is the secret we created in Kubernetes. Issuer will use this to present challenge to Azure azuredns-configkey: client-secretsubscriptionID: AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_IDtenantID: AZURE_TENANT_IDresourceGroupName: AZURE_DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUPhostedZoneName: AZURE_DNS_ZONE# Azure Cloud Environment, default to AzurePublicCloudenvironment: AzurePublicCloud